Discover the Effects of Dental Hygiene to Body’s Overall Health
Like many parts of the human body, the mouth has plenty of bacteria. Most these microbes are harmless to the body. Under normal circumstances, the body’s immune system, combined with good oral health care, can keep these bacteria under control such that they do not cause any infections. Without proper dental care, these bacteria can multiply up to a dangerous level leading to oral diseases. These ailments can comprise of various gum diseases or tooth decay.
Some medications such as decongestants, painkillers, antihistamines, antidepressants, and diuretics are known to reduce saliva flow. A good flow of saliva is useful is washing away food and also neutralizing acids that are produced by bacteria present in the mouth. Therefore, a good flow of saliva is helpful in protecting you from the invasion of microbes or their overgrowth. The multiplication of these microbes can result in the emergence of dangerous infections and dental bacteria.
Numerous studies have shown that oral bacteria do play a crucial part in causing diseases that do lower the body’s defenses. Lowering of the body’s defenses decreases the body’s resistance to many infections, something that might lead to severe dental problems.
Why You May Need Dental Insurance for Proper Dental Care
It is vital for you to take good care of your teeth and gums. This is because the mouth is the gateway to the entire body, and bacteria found in the mouth can affect the overall health of the body in numerous ways. Many people lack dental insurance and cannot afford proper dental care. Dental insurance not only allows for affordable care, but also helps provide structure to assure two cleanings, x-rays, and exams are performed per a year.
If you have dental insurance or not, it is a good habit to brush and floss every day, at least two times each day to keep the mouth healthy. Most dentists also recommend people to avoid cavity producing foods like sugary treats. It is also recommended to visit the dentist every six months for checkups, most dental insurance plans offer this benefit. Poor dental hygiene usually results in tooth decay and also cavities.
Effects of Not Having Proper Dental Care
In addition, proper dental hygiene is not only good for the teeth and gums but also for the entire body. This is because bacteria that can originate in the mouth can travel throughout the body and cause many health problems. These problems include the following four diseases:
Stroke and heart diseases
Individuals who are suffering from periodontal diseases have a higher chance of developing heart diseases. When plaque enters the blood stream through the gums, it can result in arterial narrowing. Arterial narrowing occurs due to the presence of bacteria that produces a clot promoting protein that usually clogs the arteries. Clogging of arteries increases the risk of heart attack.
When the disease-causing bacteria clog the carotid artery, it may increase the risk of undergoing stroke. The carotid artery is the blood vessel that supplies the brain and head with blood.
Risk of Dementia
Tooth loss that is as a result of poor dental health can cause memory loss, which can signify the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Research shows that, when the levels of disease-causing bacteria are high, they release substances that are inflammatory. These substances cause brain inflammation, therefore, leading to the death of brain cells.
Respiratory Problems
Harmful bacteria can affect the lungs, therefore, cause damage to the respiratory systems. Studies show that there is a link between gum infections and increased risk of acute bronchitis and pneumonia.
A large percentage of adults who are suffering from diabetes also have periodontal diseases. Most of them have advanced forms of the dental infections that have resulted in tooth loss. Research shows that periodontal disease makes it difficult for a person to control blood sugar, something that may aggravate other diabetic complications.
Other conditions that may arise that are linked to oral health include rheumatoid arthritis, eating disorders, Sjogren’s syndrome and head cancers. Sjogren’s syndrome is a type of an immune system disorder that makes the patient experience dryness in their mouth.
To adequately protect your oral health, it is vital to practice good oral hygiene on a daily basis. You should practice brushing your teeth at least twice a day and also flossing on a regular basis. You should not overlook eating a well balanced diet and also be limiting eating between meal snacks to avoid teeth decay. You should not neglect to replace your toothbrush after every three months or as soon as you feel that the bristles are frayed. Substances like tobacco smoking should be avoided.