Archive for Day: July 2, 2019

Current Medicare Plan G Policy Holders

If you are currently a Medicare supplement Plan G policyholder, you may have heard about upcoming changes regarding the availability of Medicare supplement Plans C, F and High-Deductible F. With all the information that’s out there, we want to make sure you know the facts.
Effective January 1, 2020, the Medicare Access and CHIP Re-authorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) will not allow those who become Medicare-eligible after December 31, 2019 to purchase plans that cover the Medicare Part B deductible.
Current Medicare-eligible beneficiaries are not affected by this ruling.

Check on Plan G Medicare Supplement Rates
For current Plan G Policy holders this means…
Your Medicare supplement coverage will not change. It will continue paying its benefits as outlined in your policy. Your policy will continue as long as premiums are paid on time. Plans C, F and High Deductible F still will be available where offered.